
Relaxing with Burke Williams

“Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is relax.” -Mark Black

One of the best emails I got a few weeks ago was from Burke Williams Spa asking me to come and visit them. They really had to twist my arm, but I made some time on the calendar and took the opportunity to take a little break for a spa day. I can’t say I get to have too many relaxing days since having kids, so this was definitely welcomed. In fact, I think my last spa day was for Mother’s Day last year, so I really could not hide my excitement to enjoy a little quiet time.

Relaxing with Burke Williams

As soon as I got there I was welcomed by a super friendly staff who were happy to show me around and to make sure I made myself at home.

Relaxing with Burke Williams

The front lounge area had a wonderful fireplace surrounded by couches and a huge chandelier. There was also a table with water, tea and fresh fruit.

Relaxing with Burke Williams

Relaxing with Burke Williams

Relaxing with Burke Williams

Inside the ladies room there was a large jacuzzi, sauna and steam room. There were an abundance of showers, lockers and an entire room with mirrors to do your makeup and hair with everything you would need (shampoo & conditioner, soaps, lotions, razors, hair dryers, hair curlers, hair straighteners). Each person was also given a robe and slippers to wear around the spa, making me feel like I was on vacation.

Relaxing with Burke Williams

Relaxing with Burke Williams

Relaxing with Burke Williams

My first appointment was for a wet room treatment, which at the time I had no idea what that meant. I was lead to a room that felt like a large steam room with about 6 shower heads above a message table. Over the course of thirty minutes I was treated to a sugar exfoliating scrub messaged all over while warm showers would rain down washing the scrub away. It was incredibly relaxing and made my skin feel fabulously soft. I always thought showers should have a place to sit down, but this was 10x better being able to lay down and have a message therapist exfoliate your skin. I can not talk more highly about this service, I would love to have it done once a week!

Full review of @Burke_Williams Spa plus a giveaway for a 3-Day Spa Pass! #spagiveaway Click To Tweet

After my wet room treatment I had an appointment for a steam pedicure. Can we just talk about the fact that this is the first time I have ever fallen asleep while getting a spa treatment?!? It’s true! Not only did she do an amazing job with paying special attention to my feet and toenails, but I was able to completely recline and woke up to the prettiest paint job. Before I did fall asleep I had a chance to see her use a steamer instead of water for my pedicure. It was nice not to have soggy toes, but instead just heat to have the same effect. My feet never felt better and my power nap was just what I needed.

Relaxing with Burke Williams

You might be thinking, that sounds great but I want to go to the spa too. Well, you are in luck because Burke Williams has so graciously offered to give one lucky person a 3-day spa pass (worth $135), product from their Burke Williams skincare line (worth $60), plus 20% off any spa treatment. All you have to do is head over to my instagram page where I have more details on how to enter.

***The services I had at the spa were gifted to me. But as always, all opinions about needing a spa day are all mine!;)***

This article has 2 comments

  1. Sarah @ Foxy's Domestic Side

    Woo hoo! What a fantastic treat! I love Burke Williams, such a great way to recharge!

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