Motherhood, Marriage & Faith

You Know You’re a Mom When…

“Being a mom has made me so tired. And so HAPPY.”    Tina Fey

Welcome to the first (and probably not the last) edition of “You know you’re a Mom When…” This was such a fun list to put together & quite honestly hard to pick just a few, which is why there will most likely be future enstallments. So without further ado I give you…

You Know You’re a Mom (of young kids) When…

  1. You contemplate things like “If Mickey is a mouse and Donald is a Duck & both of them can talk, then why can’t Pluto the dog talk?”
  2. You talk to people (husband, friends, complete strangers) about poop.
  3. You can smell poop like its following you…probably because it’s on you.
  4. You can’t remember the last time you had a conversation with someone without being interrupted by either a crying baby, cranky toddler or whining child.
  5. You day dream about a full nights sleep, a hot meal (which now you really know why mama bear’s porridge was cold) & a shower long enough to wash your hair & shave your legs!
  6. Speaking of showers, you can’t remember the last time you had one.
  7. You leave the house and can’t remember if you a) brushed your teeth b) brushed your hair c) brushed your new cool mustache or unibrow you have growing.
  8. You spend lots of time looking for things like the remote, which is in the fridge, the bottle which is in your purse or your cell phone which the baby is holding.
  9. You only know what’s going on in the news because someone said something on Facebook when you happened to check it when you were hiding in the bathroom pretending to have a stomach ache.
  10. The “Sunday Funday” trip to the beach takes longer to pack everything up than you actually spend at the beach, which included at least one child eating lots and lots of sand, then crying because they had sand in their mouth.
  11. You desperately try to find some lipgloss in your purse to pretend like you are wearing makeup but all you can find is a Thomas the Train, a squished granola bar and even a few marbles (you weren’t kidding when you said you lost those things).
  12. Your idea of “date night” is now getting the kids to bed before 8pm so you can binge watch your favorite show, eat the cookies you’ve been stashing away and still get to bed before 10:30pm!
  13. You hate it when people say the phrase “I slept like a baby” because you have a baby and ain’t no body sleeping!
  14. You don’t want anything for Mother’s Day other than to sleep all night and maybe even sleep past 7am then have a relaxing day with no requirements of you at all.
  15. And finally…You know you are a mom (of young kids) when…you get teary eyed thinking about how fast they are growing and that sometimes you wish you could freeze time (mostly when you are watching them do something cute or sleeping, but still).View More:

“Well a mother, a real mother is the most wonderful person in the world. She is the angel voice that bids you goodnight, kisses your cheek, whispers sleep tight. Your mother and mine. Your mother and mine. The helping hand that guides you along. Whether you’re right, whether you’re wrong. Your mother and mine. Your mother and mine. What makes mothers all that they are, might as well ask what makes a star. Ask your heart to tell you her worth, your heart will say, heaven and earth. Another word for divine, your mother and mine.” -Your Mother and Mine (Peter Pan)View More:

Happy Mother’s Day to all you AMAZING mothers out there. Sending you love, laughter and hopefully some extra sleep on this special day.

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Had to include pictures of the ones that made me a mom and one of the woman who I call mom and best friend…Love you mom!!

*Professional photos by: Lindsey Gage Photography


This article has 8 comments

  1. Susan Hobbs

    Thank You for taking me down memory lane, and bringing a smile to my face!
    May I add one more…
    You know you’re a mom when…it takes you two days to read a blog, and you respond after midnight!!
    And finally, you get teary eyed when you realize all your precious babies have become beautiful mothers, with precious babies of their own!!
    I Love You, mom

    • Jenny

      Now you are getting me all ready eyed mom! I love you!!

  2. stephanie

    Happy mother’s day to one of my favorite Super Mom’s!!! Love this post!!! All so very true!!! So nice to know I am not the only one!!! You make it look so easy!! Your family is blessed!! : ) xoxoxo

    • Jenny

      Happy Mother’s Day to you too my sweet friend! So glad you could relate to the post, I think every mom could find at least one thing on the list that has happened to them once or twice! haha! We are blessed! XOXO!!

  3. Sarah @ Foxy's Domestic Side

    Awww, this is such a sweet post! I can really relate to all of them I can’t even just pick one that I really relate to because, well all of these are my life 🙂 Maybe minus the sleep thing, now that the kids are both good sleepers, knock on wood!

    • Jenny

      So glad you could relate!! Yes, sleep is actually better for us now too, but it wasn’t not so long ago!

  4. Caroline Rogers

    Happy Mothers Day Friend!!!! Love you and am so proud of the sweet Mommy you are!!

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